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Bits about me

Name: Laura
Age: 32
Married: Yep, newlywed!!
Kids: no way jose
Pets: Pit Bull and Bearded Dragon
Yahoo messenger id: lauraj187
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Weblog Entries:

Friday, July 2

Well it's about gosh damn time!!! I got my comments thingy back. Well I went out and got some new code, and slapped it in!! all you millions and millions of peeps out there that read this here blog....go comment already!! heh heh...

written by Laura 2:33 PM

Tuesday, April 6

crapola....lost my comments somehow. my code is still there....but.......hmmmmm. Oh well I'll fix it...I think.

written by Laura 8:30 AM

Monday, April 5

Lost my comments. Dunno what happened. I'll look into it tomorrow.

written by Laura 1:37 PM

Thursday, March 18

Man the weather in Cali is awesome lately!!! Makes me oh so happy! Of course my allergies are trying to slowly kill me off.....but I can hang. I'm used to not being able to breath, or see, cuz my nose is all stuffy, and my eyes are watery and ichy....but hey, it's beautiful outside heh?

Fuckin' flowers........stupid ass pollen.......damn.

written by Laura 11:27 AM

Monday, March 15

Hello dear Blog. How have you been? I see your still here, waiting ever so patiently for me to post. Well wait no more....cuz here I am!

Soooooooo what's been happenin'?? Nothing much on my end. Same ole same ole.

Is anyone else watching the newest reality show on SCIFI channel? It's called, Mad Mad House! No one here at work is watching it, so I have nobody to talk about it with. My husband has band practice on Thursday nights when it's on. He probably wouldn't want to watch it anyway. I normally don't get into the reality shows either, but this one caught my eye, and still has my attention. It's a weird show. Has weird people on it. So....that's probably what got my attention in the first place, all the weirdness!!! haha. There is a Voodoo Priestess, a Witch, a Vampire, a Naturalist, and a Modern Primitive. They call themselves the "Alts", and there were 10 "guests" when it first started two episodes ago. So far, they have eliminated the most irritating chick on the show thank goodness......her name was "kelly", and man did she make those little hairs stand up on the back of my neck!!!! I wanted to choke her in the worst way. So far, I could have been on this show soooo easy. These "alts" are interesting if you ask me. I could sit and talk with these people for hours!!!!'s only Monday, gotta wait until Thursday for the next episode!!!!

Tonight it's all about Monster Garage, Monster House, and American Chopper, on Discovery Channel!!!! oooohhhh yeah baby!! Motorcycles, Tattoos, and house remodeing!!! Makes a chick happy to watch all that testosterone on one channel!!

written by Laura 12:52 PM

Monday, February 2

Dang. It's really been a long time since I've posted. Nothing new going on really. Same ole shitznit.

We did end up putting the old dog to sleep. His legs got really bad. He couldln't walk, kept falling down. His quality of life was gone. So we had to do it. Poor guy. It's been almost a month. We still miss him like crazy. But I must say, I do feel a since of relief.....I guess mainly because I know he's not hurting anymore.

Work is the same. Still just plain ole work.

My husbands band is really taking off. They should have their first CD out soon. In May they are going to Boston and back for a little tour. He'll be gone for 3-weeks or so. It'll be the longest he's been away from home. Sure will be weird.

Welp....nothing really new to say....just thought I'd post for the hell of it. So at least Kim know's I'm alive...haha.

written by Laura 1:23 PM

Tuesday, December 16

Yes I'm posting again Kim can you believe it?? Haha.

Ok, lets see, whats been happening in my world lately.

My boss has been officially fired, and told to leave the building! Her last day was a bit weird. Really tense. She was in total denial too. She just honestly must have thought that playing solitaire all day, and talking to her sisters on the phone, was OK. Her boss would come ask her to do something, and it took her six fricken months to do it! And yes, she still sat there and said, "well I guess they are firing me" ummm YA THINK?? Geeze. Anyway her replacement/my new boss is ok so far. Nice enough. Does her work. Only thing I worry about is her husband is a preacher and some of the guys around here love to tell dirty jokes and whatnot, so that will be interesting to see how she handles that sort of thing. Im sure she will be fine.

My mother had something happen to her heart, and was in the hospital for a week. They found and fixed the problem. (so they say). From what she told me it was some electrical problem, and it was sending out incorrect "signals" to the rest of her heart, and it was causing it to beat really fast, and erratic. They had to stop her heart, then try to get it re-started to get it beating properly. Crazy stuff for me, cuz my mother is my world. I'm very close to her. Of course my prick father was all tripping out. Couldn't handle it. Thing is or should I say TRUTH is, what he couldn't handle was the thought of losing the only thing he has. Without her, he'd have to live with his 81-year-old mother. Or my sister. Cuz I sure in the hell won't let him in MY house. No way jose. He hasn't worked in over 12 years. My mother has provided EVERYTHING those two have to this day. Their new house, new car, etc. It was my MOM that provided that, not my loser father. He brings NO money into that house. My mom is 61 years old, and is having to bust her ass. NO wonder she's having heart problems. That prick is slowly killing her, by making her do every goddamned thing. Ok ok, *stepping down off soapbox*. Thats enough of that. To make a long story short, my mom is ok. She's back at home and work, and is feeling great!! So that makes me happy!!!

Our old doggy is real bad. We have plans to put him down in a few weeks. Get thru Christmas; let him be with us a tad longer, then we will have him put down. We are going to have him cremated so he can be with us always!! Gonna miss the old guy.

Ok, I think that's it for the bad stuff going on in my life. It's icky, but not too bad. Things could defiantly be worse!!

Good things? Welp, I got a raise, and an x-mas bonus! My husband did as well. So that's way good!! My new doggy is doing GREAT! Love that boy. My husband got me a Bearded Dragon for my birthday!! I will post some pics soon!! I named him "Wattie" after The Exploited's singer! When we saw them play in SF a few months back, he was buggin' his eyes out, and acting like a lizard,so I thought, yep Wattie fits! Haha. Speaking of bands, my husband's band is doing really well. They are getting ready to go down to L.A. (YES KIM I'LL BE COMING TOO!!! Get ready :)), for a few shows. Then there are talks about them going to Europe, for a two/three week tour, and putting out a full length LP! I'm so stoked for him.

What else???.....ummmm think that's it for now. Or at least that's all I can think of. I promised myself I'd post more often. I guess I just got out of the habit when all this "boss" stuff at work was going on. Way too much drama. Then our computer at home was on the fritz, so that didn't help things either. BUT low and behold here I am,back with a vengeance, haha.

Ok, until next time, I'm out~

written by Laura 10:33 AM

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